Appearing for LU test? Shun gadgets, follow Covid norms!

If you are appea ring for the Lucknow Uni versity’s Undergraduate Entrance Test (UGET), to be conducted between August 24 and 31, make sure your sa nitizer and water bottles are transparent and you do not have any gadget, scien tific calculator or bag with you in the examination hall.

The entrance test will be held under CCTV vigil and an eye will be kept on every candidate from the control room set up on the old campus.

“Candidates will have to report at the centre at least an hour before the examina- tion. This extra time will be utilised in the implementa- tion of Covid-19 safety norms. Candidates will ha- ve to stand in circles so that social distancing can be ma- intained.Thermal scan- ning and sanitization will scan- ning and sanitization will examination of a number of be strictly followed,” said courses would be held on admission coordinator Prof. Pankaj Mathur.

He said candidates wo uld not be allowed to borrow stationery or water bottle and bring water in a trans parent botte. “They should carry one blue and black ballpoint pen along with other stationery Mask and sanitizer is mandatory,” he said.

Mathur said entrance examination of a number of courses would be held on the old campus and second campus while for courses like BA and BCom, where the number of candidates is high, entrance test will be held at LU’s affiliated colle ges. “Candidates should re- ad and follow all the instruc- tions mentioned on their admit card,” he added.

The university has made seating arrangements as per the Covid-19 safety norms ensuring that there is a distance of at least 6ft between two examinees.


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