LU BSC,BCOM,Entrance based MCQs on Computer

The computer-assisted method that helps in the recording and analysis of a hypothetical or an existing system is known as:

a. Data processing

b. Data capture

c. Data flow

d. Data transmission

Answer: (c) Data flow

2. Which of these computer languages do we use in artificial intelligence?




d. C

Answer: (a) PROLOG

3. Which of these parts would interpret a program’s instructions to initiate the control operations?

a. Logic unit

b. Control unit

c. Storage unit

d. Input

Answer: (b) Control unit

4. The 1’s complement of 10 is:

a. 10

b. 11

c. 110

d. 01

Answer: (d) 01

5. __________ is the computer program that would convert an assembly language to the machine language.

a. Interpreter

b. Compiler

c. Comparator

d. Assembler

Answer: (d) Assembler

6. The total time for which any piece of equipment would operate is known as __________________ time.

a. Effective

b. Seek

c. Real

d. Access

Answer: (a) Effective

7. What access method do we use to obtain any record out of a cassette tape?

a. Random

b. Direct

c. Sequential

d. All of the above

Answer: (c) Sequential

8. What is the CPU’s section that interprets, selects, and also sees to a program instructions’ execution?

a. Register unit

b. Control unit

c. ALU

d. Memory

Answer: (b) Control unit

9. One packet on any data link is called:

a. Group

b. Block

c. Frame

d. Path

Answer: (c) Frame

10. What is the common boundary present between two systems known as?

a. Interface

b. Surface

c. Interdiction

d. None of the above

Answer: (a) Interface

11. _____________ is a computer that has been designed so that it is as compact as possible.

a. Supercomputer

b. Mini

c. Mainframe

d. Microcomputer

Answer: (d) Microcomputer

12. Which of these is a general-purpose microcomputer that is single-user and is designed to be operated by just a single person at any given time?

a. M

b. PC


d. Special-purpose computer

Answer: (b) PC

13. A total of how many bit codes are used for TELEPRINTER machines by Murray code?

a. 25

b. 9

c. 5

d. 4

Answer: (c) 5

14. __________ refers to the datum that would indicate the important state in an input or output content.

a. Sentinel

b. Sequence

c. Sibling

d. SIO

Answer: (a) Sentinel

15. Which of these refers to a systems programming language for the Intel family microcomputers?

a. PLA

b. PL/CT

c. PL/M

d. PL/C

Answer: (c) PL/M

16. Out of the following, which one is still useful if we want to add numbers?


b. Abacus



Answer: (b) Abacus

17. What is the number used to control the forms of other numbers known as?

a. Mask

b. Map

c. Marker

d. Mantissa

Answer: (a) Mask

18. Which of these is a high-level machine-oriented language for the machines that are of the GEC 4080 series?


b. Babbage



Answer: (b) Babbage

19. Which of these output devices are used for the translation of information from any computer into a pictorial form on the papers?

a. Card punch

b. Touch panel

c. Plotter

d. Mouse

Answer: (c) Plotter

20. A list of various coded instructions is known as:

a. Flowchart

b. Utility programs

c. Algorithm

d. Computer program

Answer: (d) Computer program

Q 1. Which of these is not an example of First Generation computer?

  1.  ENIAC 
  2. Universal Automatic Computer
  3. PDP-8
  4. EDSAC 
  5. EDVAC

Answer: (3) PDP-8

Q 2. Who invented the INTEL 4004 chip?

Answer:  Ted Hoff, Federico Faggin, and Stan Mazor

Q 3. Which of these is not an example of Microcomputer?

  1. Personal Computer
  2. Palm Top
  3. Laptop
  4. Tablet
  5. LAN

Answer: (5) LAN

Q 4. Which of these was introduced in the second generation of computers?

  1. Microprocessors
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Integrated Circuits
  4. Vacuum Tubes
  5. Transistors

Answer: (5) Transistors

Q 5. Name the storage device out of the given options

  1. Monitor
  2. CPU
  3. Magnetic Disk
  4. RAM
  5. SMPS

Answer: (3) Magnetic Disk

Q 1. In which year was Windows 8 released?

  1. 2009
  2. 2008
  3. 2012
  4. 2013
  5. 2010

Answer: (3) 2012

Q 2. What is the full form of ‘U’ in ‘GUI’?

  1. Unified
  2. Unfiltered
  3. User
  4. Utility
  5. Utilisation

Answer: (3) User

Q 3. What is the maximum size of a word document created in Windows?

  1. 1 MB
  2. 16 MB
  3. 62 MB
  4. 1 GB
  5. 32 MB

Answer: (5) 32 MB

Q 4. What are the total number of function keys on a keyboard?

  1. 15
  2. 13
  3. 11
  4. 12
  5. 10

Answer: (4) 12

Q 5. Which of the following does not have a start button?

  1. Windows 7
  2. Windows XP
  3. Windows Vista
  4. Windows 8
  5. Windows 8.1

Answer: (4) Windows 8

Q 1. To create a new paragraph in MS Word document, which of the following keyboard keys can be used?

  1. Tab
  2. Enter
  3. Alt
  4. alt+@
  5. Shift

Answer: (2) Enter

Q 2. Which of the following is not a version of MS Office?

  1. Microsoft Office 3.0
  2. Microsoft Office XP
  3. Microsoft Office 2007
  4. Microsoft Office 1995
  5. Microsoft Office 2009

Answer: (5) Microsoft Office 2009

Solution: No version named Microsoft Office 2009 was ever released by Microsoft for the Office suite

Q 3. What is the name of the file created on MS Excel to manage data in tabular form by managing them into various cells?

  1. Document
  2. Docsheet
  3. Workspace
  4. Worksheet
  5. Spreadsheet

Answer: (5) Spreadsheet

Solution: The data in MS Excel is managed on sheets called spreadsheets which comprise rows and columns called cells

Q 4. Which of these is the file extension for Microsoft PowerPoint presentation?

  1. .ppp
  2. .ppt
  3. .mpp
  4. .mp3
  5. .mpt

Answer: (2) .ppt

Q 5.  Which of the given type of software is similar to that of an Accountant’s worksheet?

  1. Spreadsheet
  2. Database
  3. Graphics
  4. Document
  5. PowerPoint Presentation

Answer: (1) Spreadsheet

Apart from the Computer Knowledge section, the links to the syllabus page for the other sections have been given below in the table. Candidates are advised to check the detailed section-wise syllabus below:

Q 6. Which keyboard keys can be used to align the text to the left side of the document in MS Word?

  1. Alt+L
  2. Alt+Spacebar
  3. Ctrl+L
  4. Ctrl+Spacebar
  5. Tab+L

Answer: (3) Ctrl+L

Q 7. The block in an MS Excel spreadsheet where a column and row intersects each other is called _______. What shall come in place of the blank?

  1. Key block
  2. Cell
  3. Square
  4. Box
  5. None of the above

Answer: (2) Cell

Q 8. Which of the given combinations of keyboard keys can be used as a shortcut to paste the text without removing its formatting?

  1. Ctrl+C
  2. Ctrl+Alt+V
  3. Alt+Shift+V
  4. Shift+Enter+V
  5. Shift+Ctrl+V

Answer: (5) Shift+Ctrl+V

Q 9. Which of the given combinations of File type and its extension is incorrect?

  1. MS Word – .doc
  2. MS Excel – .xls
  3. MS PowerPoint – .ppt
  4. MS Outlook – .out
  5. All of the above are correct

Answer: (4) MS Outlook – .out

Solution: The correct extension for MS Outlook file is .pst

Q 10. The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell D2 and goes over to column F and down to row 12 is?

  1. D2:F12
  2. D-2:F-12
  3. F12:D2
  4. F-12:D-2
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) D2:F12

Microsoft Office Versions
Version nameRelease Date/ Year
Microsoft Office for WindowsOctober 1990
Microsoft Office 3.0August 30, 1992
Microsoft Office 4.x1994
Microsoft Office 1995August 24, 1995
Microsoft Office 19971997
Microsoft Office 2000June 7, 1997
Microsoft Office XPMay 31, 2001
Microsoft Office 2003October 21, 2003
Microsoft Office 2007January 30, 2007
Microsoft Office 2010June 15, 2010
Microsoft Office 2013January 30, 2012
Microsoft Office 2016September 22, 2015

Q 1. How can you open the column dialogue box?

  1. Alt+O+C
  2. Alt+A+C
  3. Alt+R+C
  4. Alt+C
  5. Alt+ctrl+C

Answer: (1) Alt+O+C

Q 2. Which is the default alignment in MS Word?

  1. Right
  2. Centre
  3. Left
  4. Justify
  5. None of the Above

Answer: (3) Left

Q 3. “Ctrl + =” is used for _________

  1. Change Alignment
  2. Subscript
  3. Superscript
  4. Change font to Bold
  5. None of the above

Answer: (2) Subscript

Q 4. A combination of which shortcut keys to use to split a table?

  1. Ctrl+shift+enter
  2. Ctrl+enter
  3. Shift+enter
  4. ctrl+alt+S
  5. alt+S

Answer: (1) Ctrl+shift+enter

Q 1. How many maximum slides can be added to a PowerPoint presentation?

  1. 50
  2. 500
  3. No fixed number
  4. 25
  5. 300

Answer: (3) No fixed number

Q 2. Slide Sorter view can be selected under which of the following categories?

  1. Home
  2. File
  3. Edit
  4. View
  5. Review

Answer: (4) View

Q 3. The combination of which keyboard keys can be used as a shortcut to add a new slide in MS PowerPoint?

  1. ctrl+S
  2. ctrl+L
  3. ctrl+M
  4. ctrl+N
  5. ctrl+P

Answer: (3) ctrl+M

Q 4. Header and Footer option is available under which of the following categories?

  1. Insert
  2. Design
  3. Review
  4. View
  5. Home

Answer: (1) Insert

Q 5. Which of the following is not included in the “Insert” category in MS PowerPoint?

  1. Shapes
  2. Table
  3. Equation
  4. Animation
  5. Video

Answer: (4) Animation

Q 1. The address that is obtained by the combination of the Row number and the Column alphabet is called ________.

  1. Worksheet
  2. Cell
  3. Workbox
  4. Cell Address
  5. Column Address

Answer: (4) Cell Address

Q 2. Where is the option for page border given in the MS Excel spreadsheet?

  1. Home
  2. Insert
  3. Format
  4. View
  5. Page Border cannot be added in excel worksheet

Answer: (5) Page Border cannot be added in excel worksheet

Q 3. Excel workbook is a collection of _______ and _______.

  1. Worksheet and charts
  2. Graphs and images
  3. Sheets and images
  4. Video and audio
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Worksheet and charts

Q 4. What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories?

  1. Bar Graph
  2. Column Chart
  3. Pie Chart
  4. Line Graph
  5. Such charts cannot be created in Excel

Answer: (2) Column Chart

Q 5. There is an option to add comments in an Excel worksheet, what are the cells called in which comments can be added?

  1. Cell Tip
  2. Comment Tip
  3. Smart Tip
  4. Point Tip
  5. Query Tip

Answer: (1) Cell Tip

Q 6. Which of the following symbols needs to be added in the formula bar, before adding a formula?

  1. *
  2. $
  3. %
  4. +
  5. =

Answer: (5) =

Q 7. Which keyboard key is used for Help in MS Excel?

  1. ctrl+H
  2. F2
  3. F1
  4. shift+H
  5. Alt+ctrl+home

Answer: (3) F1

Q 8. How can you activate a cell in MS Excel?

  1. By clicking on it
  2. By pressing the arrow keys
  3. By pressing Tab key
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Answer: (4) All of the above

1. Which of the following is not a component of MS Access?

  1. Tables
  2. Forms
  3. Module
  4. Worksheet
  5. Report

Answer: (4) Worksheet

Q 2. ______ is another name for columns in Microsoft Access tables.

  1. Records
  2. Fields
  3. Datafields
  4. Cells
  5. None of the above

Answer: (2) Fields

Q 3. What is the size of yes/no fields?

  1. 1 KB
  2. 1 Byte
  3. 1 Bit
  4. 1 MB
  5. 1 GB

Answer: (3) 1 Bit

Q 4. The tool using which predefined actions which can automate tasks on an Access report is called _________

  1. Form
  2. Fields
  3. Macros
  4. Tables
  5. Module

Answer: (3) Macros

Q 5. The first version of MS Access database management system launched by Microsoft was released in the year _______

  1. 1991
  2. 1992
  3. 1993
  4. 1994
  5. 1995

Answer: (2) 1992

Q 1. _________ shortcut keys must be used to start a new task in MS Outlook.

  1. Ctrl+Shift+K
  2. Ctrl+Shift+T
  3. Ctrl+Shift+N
  4. Ctrl+Shift+L
  5. Ctrl+Shift+R

Answer: (1) Ctrl+Shift+K

Q 2. Which of the following tools can be used to check the calendar for the entire team, using MS Outlook?

  1. Share calendar
  2. Daily task sheet
  3. Scheduling Assistant
  4. Team Calendar share
  5. None of the above

Answer: (3) Scheduling Assistant

Q 3. The Photo Editor was renamed to _______ after the introduction of MS Office 2003.

  1. Photo Creator
  2. Paint
  3. Photo Manager
  4. Picture Manager
  5. MS Picture Creator

Answer: (4) Picture Manager

Q 4. What function can be performed using the shortcut key ‘ctrl+8’?

  1. Switch to mail view
  2. Switch to Notes
  3. Open Address Book
  4. Open Journal
  5. Open Calendar

Answer: (4) Open Journal

Q 5. Which of the following is not a function of MS Outlook?

  1. Sending/Receiving Mails
  2. Organising Meetings and Appointments
  3. Creating mail thread of similar emails
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Answer: (4) All of the above

Computer Shortcut Keys
S.No.Shortcut KeysFunction
1Alt+FDisplays the File menu options
2Alt+EOpens the  Edit options 
3Alt+TabSwitch between open programs
4F1Used by every Windows program for Help
5F2To Rename a selected file
6F5Refresh the page or current window
7Ctrl+DTo Bookmarks the current page (for most Browsers)
8Ctrl+NCreate a new or blank document or open a new tab in the Internet Browser
9Ctrl+OTo Open a file
10Ctrl+ASelect the entire text at once
11Ctrl+BChange the text to Bold
12Ctrl+IChange the Text to Italics
13Ctrl+UUnderline the selected text
14Ctrl+SSave the file or document you are working on
15Ctrl+XCut selected part of the text or image
16Shift+DelRemove the selected items
17Ctrl+CTo copy the text or image
18Ctrl+VTo Paste
19Ctrl+YRedo last action
20Ctrl+ZUndo last action
21Ctrl+KInsert hyperlink for selected text.
22Ctrl+PTo print the document
23HomeMoves the beginning of the current line
24Ctrl+HomeMoves to the beginning of the document
25EndMoves to the end of the line
27Ctrl+EndMoves to the end of the document
28Ctrl+Left arrowMoves one word to the left at a time.
29Ctrl+Right arrowMoves one word to the right at a time.
30Alt+F4To close the program currently active
31Alt+EnterOpen the properties for the selected item 
32Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Create a non-breaking space
33Ctrl + Shift+ < Decrease font size one value
34Ctrl + Shift + >  Increase the font size one value
35Ctrl + [ Increase the font size by 1 point
36Ctrl + ] Decrease the font size by 1 point
37Ctrl + SpacebarRemove paragraph or character formatting
38Ctrl + Alt + V Paste special
39Ctrl + Shift + V  Paste formatting only
40Ctrl+F10 Maximise the document window
41Ctrl + Shift + T Enter the current time
42Ctrl + ;Enter the current date
43Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula window
44Shift + F5Bring up search box.
45Ctrl + F9 Minimise current workbook
46Ctrl + F10Maximise currently selected workbook
47Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks/window
48Ctrl + Page Down Move between Excel worksheets in the same Excel document
49Ctrl + TabMove between two or more open Excel files
50Ctrl + Page Up Move between Excel worksheet in the same Excel document
51Alt + =Create a formula to sum all of the cells
52Ctrl + ’Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.
53Ctrl + Arrow key Move to next section to text
54Ctrl + SpaceSelect entire column
55Shift + SpaceSelect entire row
56Ctrl+LTo left-align the selected text
57Ctrl+RTo right-align the selected text
58Ctrl+JTo justify the selected text
59Ctrl+ETo centre align the text
60Ctrl+DelTo delete the word to the right
61Shift+DelTo permanently delete a file

Q 1. What along with the “ctrl” key needs to be pressed in order to cut a part of the text written in MS Word?

  1. X
  2. C
  3. alt
  4. alt+C
  5. Z

Answer: (1) X; “ctrl+X” needs to pressed to cut a part of text or image from an MS Word document

Q 2. Which of the given pairs of keys need to be pressed in order to move at the beginning of a document?

  1. F1+A
  2. ctrl+alt+home
  3. alt+A
  4. ctrl+home
  5. alt+home+A

Answer: (4) ctrl+home

Q 3. _________ shortcut keys must be used to select an entire row.

  1. ctrl+space
  2. ctrl+alt+shift
  3. shift+space
  4. ctrl+L
  5. alt+shift+L

Answer: (3) shift+space

Q 4. To move between two more MS Excel files, which shortcut keys can be used?

  1. ctrl+Tab
  2. Ctrl+V
  3. Alt+space
  4. Ctrl+T
  5. alt+Tab

Answer: (1) ctrl+Tab

Q 5. Shift+ctrl+___  keys are used to decrease the size of the font by one number. What should come in place of the blank?

  1. +
  2. >
  3. <
  4. D

Answer: (4) <

Q 6. What is the function of the F2 key?

  1. To increase the brightness of the system
  2. To save a file
  3. To rename a file
  4. To add an extra sheet in MS Excel
  5. To copy the file to another drive

Answer: (3) To rename a file

Q 7. To bookmark the current page, which shortcut keys can be used?

  1. ctrl+D
  2. ctrl+X
  3. shift+D
  4. alt+D
  5. alt+X

Answer: (1) ctrl+D

Q 8. What is the function of the shortcut key “ctrl+shift+T”?

  1. To copy the text from one folder to another
  2. To enter the time
  3. To have a text break in the file
  4. To skip any text break in the document
  5. To open a new tab in Internet Explorer

Answer: (2) To enter the time

Q 9. Which shortcut keys from the given options can be used to add a hyperlink to the selected text?

  1. ctrl+H
  2. ctrl+U
  3. ctrl+P
  4. ctrl+L
  5. ctrl+K

Answer: (5) ctrl+K

Q 10. In MS-Excel, which shortcut keys can be used to create a formula to sum all of the cells?

  1. Alt+sum
  2. alt+=
  3. alt+F
  4. alt+F4
  5. alt+ctrl+F4

Answer: (2) alt+=

Computer Abbreviations List
S. No.Computer AbbreviationFull Form
1AACAdvanced Audio Coding
2ABRAverage Bit Rate
3ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
4AGPAdvanced Graphics Port
5AIArtificial Intelligence
6AIMAOL Instant Messenger
7ALGOLAlgorithmic Language
8ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
9AOLAmerica Online
10AMDAdvanced Micro Devices
11APIApplication Program Interface
12APTAutomatically Programmed Tooling
13ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
14ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network
15ARQAutomatic Repeat Request
16ASAutonomous System
17ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
18ASPActive Server Pages
19ASPIAdvanced SCSI Programming Interface 
20ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment 
21ATDTAttention Dial Tone 
22AUIAttachment Unit Interface
23AUTOEXECAutoexec Automatic Execution file 
24AVIAudio Video Interleave
25BASICBeginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
26BCCBlind Carbon Copy
27BCDBinary Coded Decimal
28BCRBar Code Reader
29BDSLBroadband DSL
30BEDOBurst Extended Data Out (RAM)
31BGPBorder Gateway Protocol
32BHTMLBroadcast Hyper Text Markup Language
33BIOSBasic Input Output System
34BIPSBillion Instruction Per Second
35BIUBus Interface Unit
37BRDBlu-Ray Disc
38CCCarbon Copy
39CDCompact Disk
40CD-RCompact Disk – Recordable
41CDROMCompact Disk Read Only Memory
42CDRWCompact Disk Rewritable
43CD-WOCompact Disk – Write Once
44CD-XACompact Disk – Extended Architecture
45CGI-BINCommon Gateway Interface – Binary (programming for Web forms)
46CISCompuServe Information Service
47CISCComplex Instructions Set Computers
49CMYKCyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (color model)
50CNMCirculatory Network Mode
51COAXCoaxial Cable (for Ethernet and similar networks)
52COBOLCommon Business Oriented Language
53COMPUTERCommonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Trade/Technology, Education, and Research.
54CPIClock / Cycle Per Instruction
55CPUCentral Processing Unit
56CROMComputerized Range of Motion
57CRTCathode Ray Tube( standard type computer monitor display
58CSLIPCompressed Serial Line Interface Protocol (Internet)
59CSSCascading Style Sheets
60CTRLControl (computer keyboard key)
61CUICharacter User Interface
62DACData Acquisition and Control 
63DATDigital Audio Tape
65DBMSData Base Management System
66DDLData Definition Language
67DHTMLDynamics Hyper Text Markup Language
68DMLData Manipulation Language
69DNSDomain Name System
70DOCData Optimizing Computer
72DOSDisk Operating System
73DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory
74DVDDigital Video/Versatile Disc
75DVDRDigital Versatile Disk Recordable
76DVDRWDigital Versatile Disk Rewritable
77DCEData Communications Equipment
78DVIDigital Visual Interface
79DVRDigital Video Recorder
80E-CommerceElectronic Commerce
81EDCElectronic Digital Computer
82EDIElectronic Data Interchange
83EDPElectronic Data Processing
84EEPROMElectronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
85EFSEncrypted File System
86EIDEEnhanced Integrated Drive Electronics 
87E-MailElectronic Mail
88EPROMErasable Programmable Read Only Memory
89EROMErasable Read Only Memory
90FDDFloppy Disk Drive
91GBGiga Byte
92GDIGraphical Device Interface
93GUIGraphical User Interface
94HDHard Disk
95HTMLHyper Text Markup Language
96HTTPHyper Text Transfer Protocol
97I/OInput/Output (serial and parallel ports)
98ICIntegrated Circuit
99IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
100INTELIntegrated Electronics
101IOPInput Output Processor
102IPInternet Protocol
103ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network 
104ISPInternet Service Provider
105IVRInteractive Voice Response
107KbpsKilobits/Kilobytes Per Second
108LANLocal Area Network
109LEDLight Emitting Diode
110LLLLow Level Language
111LPTLine Printer
112MACMedia Access Control
113MANMetropolitan Area Network
114MBMotherboard/ Megabyte
115MBASICMicrosoft BASIC (Microsoft)
116MBPSMegabytes Per Second
117MbpsMegabits Per Second
118MICRMagnetic Ink Character Recognition
119MMXMultimedia Extensions 
120MODEMModulator Demodulator
121MSCDEXMicrosoft Compact Disc Extension
122MS-DOSMicrosoft – Disk Operating System
123NATNetwork Address Translation
124NTPNetwork Time Protocol
125OCROptical Character Reader 
126OMROptical Mark Reader
127OOPObject Oriented Programming
128OSOperating System
129P2PPoint to Point Protocol
130PANPersonal Area Network
131PCPersonal Computer
132PCBPrinter Circuit Board
133PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
134PHPHypertext Preprocessor
135PIXELPicture Element
136PNGPortable Network Graphics
137PPPPoint to Point Protocol
139PROMProgrammable Read Only Memory
140RAMRandom Access Memory
141RARPReverse Address Resolution Protocol
142RDBMSRelational Data Base Management System
143RIPRouting Information Protocol
144RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer
145ROMRead Only Memory
146SAMSoftware Asset Management
147SANStorage Area Network
148SCSISmall Computer System Interface 
149SDRAMSynchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
150SFTPSecure File Transfer Protocol
151SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language
152SGRAMSynchronous Graphics RAM
153SIPSession Initiation Protocol
154SIUSerial Interface Unit
155SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
156SNAPSub Network Access Protocol
157SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
158SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
159SYSOPSystem Operator
160TCPTransmission Control Protocol
161UIUser Interface
162URLUniform Resource Locator
163USBUniversal Serial Bus
164VCDVideo Compact Disk
165VDUVisual Display Unit
166VIRUSVital Information Resource Under Siege
167VRAMVideo Random Access Memory
169VxDVirtual Extended Driver 
170WANWide Area Network
171WAPWireless Application Protocol
172WBMPWireless Bitmap Image
173WIFIWireless fidelity
174WLANWireless Local Area Network
175WMLWireless Markup Language
176WWWWorld Wide Web
178XGAExtended Graphics Array 
179XHTMLExtensible Hyper Text Markup Language
180XMFExtensible Music File
181XMLExtensible Markup Language
182XMSExtended Memory Specification
183FORTRANFormula Translation

Q 1. Which of the following is not a type of network topology?

  1. Ring
  2. Star
  3. Circle
  4. Bus
  5. All of the above are a type of network topology

Answer: (2) Circle

Q 2. The network device converts digital signals into analog signals and can be connected through a telephone is called _____

  1. Modem
  2. Hotspot
  3. Router
  4. Bridge
  5. Switch

Answer: (1) Modem

Q 3. Which of the following terms is related to sending data to a satellite?

  1. Uplink
  2. Modem
  3. Switch
  4. Modular
  5. Downlink

Answer: (1) Uplink

Q 4. ______ topology is the simplest topology that connects two nodes directly together with a common link.

  1. Point to Point
  2. Line
  3. Ring
  4. Star
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Point to Point

Q 5. Which is the shortest network covering network?

  1. LAN
  2. MAN
  3. WAN
  4. PAN
  5. VPN

Answer: (4) Personal Area Network (PAN)

Q 6. When two or more topologies connect together, they are called ______

  1. Tree Topology
  2. Cluster Topology
  3. Hybrid Topology
  4. Mesh Topology
  5. Line Topology

Answer: (3) Hybrid Topology

Q 7. ATM is a form of _____

  1. Local Area Network
  2. Wide Area Network
  3. Metropolitan Area Network
  4. Personal Area Network
  5. Virtual Private Network

Answer: (3) Metropolitan Area Network

Q 8. _______ is a small hardware device which joins multiple computers together with a single LAN.

  1. Modem
  2. Switch
  3. Modular
  4. Router
  5. Bridge

Answer: (2) Switch

Q 9. A collection of various computers into a single coherent system, provided to a client, is called _______.

  1. Distributed System
  2. Computer Network
  3. Systematic Network
  4. Collective Network
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Distributed System

Q 10. A network which is constructed by using public wires to connect to a private network is called ______

  1. Local Area Network
  2. Wide Area Network
  3. Metropolitan Area Network
  4. Personal Area Network
  5. Virtual Private Network

Answer: (5) Virtual Private Network

Q 1. Which of the given computers can be operated with the touch of the fingers?

  1. Tablets
  2. Mainframe Computers
  3. Desktop
  4. Laptops
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Tablets

Q 2. Which of the given computers is the most expensive?

  1. Super
  2. Mainframe
  3. Mini
  4. Micro
  5. Desktop

Answer: (2) Mainframe

Q 3. Which is the most powerful type of computer?

  1. Mini
  2. Micro
  3. Mainframe
  4. Supercomputer
  5. Laptop

Answer: (4) Supercomputer

Q 4. Which of the given type of computers work on batteries?

  1. Mainframe
  2. Super
  3. Mini
  4. Laptop
  5. Desktop

Answer: (4) Laptop

Computer hardware and software questions

Q1. Which of the following is not an input device?

  1. VDU
  2. Keyboard
  3. Monitor
  4. Light Pen

Q.2. A light-sensitive device that converts the printed text, drawing, or other images into digital form is called ____.

  1. Plotter
  2. Printer
  3. Scanner
  4. OMR

Q.3. Sometimes the mouse pointer moves erratically. This is because of ___.

  1. IRQ setting is not proper
  2. The virus in the system
  3. Mouse ball is dirty
  4. The driver is not installed properly

Q 4. A specialized program that allows user to utilize in a specific application is classified as

  1. Application programs
  2. Relative programs
  3. Relative programs
  4. Replicate programs

Q.5. ____ is known as the translator for low-level programming language.

  1. Compiler
  2. Linker
  3. Loader
  4. Assembler

Q.6. Information travels between components to Motherboard through?

  1. CMOS
  2. Busses
  3. Bays
  4. Flash memory

Q.7. The resolution of Laser Printers are specified in terms of __?

  1. CPM
  2. PPM
  3. DPI
  4. LPM

Q.8.When referring to instruction words, a mnemonic is:

  1. a short abbreviation for the data word stored at the operand address
  2. a short abbreviation for the operand address
  3. shorthand for machine language
  4. a short abbreviation for the operation to be performed

Q 9. The data bus is ___ directional.

  1. Single directional
  2. Multi-directional
  3. Bidirectional
  4. None of the above

Q.10. _____ is the translator which performs macro expansion tasks.

  1. Macro preprocessor
  2. Macro processor
  3. Macro pro-processor
  4. Assembler

Q.11. DASD is an acronym of _____

  1. Data Access Storage Device
  2. Device Access to Stored Data
  3. Data Assembling Storage Disk
  4. Data Assemble in Stored Device

Q.12. Which is the secondary memory of the Data processing system?

  1. CPU
  2. Hard Disk
  3. Floppy Disk
  4. ALU

Q.13. As Humans are called Homo Sapiens, _____ is called the Silico Sapiens.

  1. Computers
  2. Robots
  3. Hardware
  4. Monitors

Q.14. Set of programs which consist of a full set of documentation is termed as

  1. Bus packages
  2. File packages
  3. Database packages
  4. Software packages

Q.15. A program in execution is called a ____.

  1. Programming
  2. Process
  3. High-level Language reading
  4. Data releasing

Q.16. A device that is used to transmit data over telecommunications lines is called ____.

  1. Drive bays
  2. Data Busses
  3. Drive platforms
  4. Modems

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Q.17. For comparison and calculations, the computer uses ____.

  1. CPU
  2. ALU
  3. Control Units
  4. Processors

Q.18. In a typical computer operation, which of the following memories is put in use?

  1. ROM
  2. HDD
  3. CND
  4. RAM

Q.19. The basic goal of computer processors is to convert the given data into ____

  1. Programs
  2. Information
  3. Contents of Main memory
  4. Texts, Tables and Graphs

Q 20. Which among the following is not a peripheral hardware device in a computer system?

  1. Keyboard
  2. Optical Drive
  3. Printer
  4. HDD 

Q 21. Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions called____.

  1. Computer data
  2. Computer programs
  3. Computer buses
  4. Computer instructions

Q.22. A microprocessor unit, a memory unit, and an input/output unit form a ____.

  1. Microcomputer
  2. CPU
  3. Compiler
  4. ALU

Q.23. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is known as ___

  1. Firmware
  2. Assembly language programs
  3. Flowchart instructions
  4. BASIC interpreter instructions

Q.24. How many bits are used in the data bus?

  1. 7
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 16

Q 1. A unit of data made into a single package that travels along a given network path is called ________.

  1. Data Packet
  2. Modem
  3. Internet Data 
  4. Transmitter
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Data Packet

Q 2. What is the size of an IPv6 IP address?

  1. 64 bits
  2. 1024 bits
  3. 128 bits
  4. 32 bits
  5. 546 bits

Answer: (3) 128 bits

Q 3. What is the traditional technology used for connecting devices in a WAN, LAN and MAN, enabling them to communicate with each other via a protocol?

  2. Ethernet
  4. IP
  5. None of the above

Answer: (2) Ethernet

Q 4. What is the full form of Wi-fi?

  1. Wireless Field
  2. Wireless Facility
  3. Wireless Fidelity
  4. Wirefree Field
  5. Wirefree Facility

Answer: (3) Wireless Fidelity

Q 5. What is the full form of HTML?

  1. Hypertext Markup Language
  2. Hypertext Markup Links
  3. HyperText Marketing Links
  4. HyperText Management List
  5. HyperText Memory Listing

Answer: (1) HyperText Markup Language

Q 6. Which was the first host-to-host network connection?

  1. Internet
  5. None of the above

Answer: (2) ARPANET

Q 7. HTML is a ______

  1. Website
  2. Scripting Language
  3. Web Browser
  4. Search Engine
  5. Network Connection

Answer: (2) Scripting Language

Q 8. What is the full form for FTP?

  1. Fast Transferring Portal
  2. File Transfer Protocol
  3. File Text Processor
  4. Fast Text Processor
  5. File Transmitter Process

Answer: (2) File Transfer Protocol

Q 9. How long is an IPv4 address?

  1. 62 bits
  2. 32 bits
  3. 16 bits
  4. 128 bits
  5. 64 bits

Answer: (2) 32 bits

Q 10. _____ is the computer protocol used by the Internet.

  1. TCP/ IP
  2. WWW
  3. HTTPS
  4. HTML
  5. FTP

Answer: (1) TCP/ IP

Q 1. Which of the following is not a type of computer virus?

  1. Polymorphic virus
  2. Space filler virus
  3. Multipartite virus
  4. Trojan
  5. Boot sector virus

Answer: (4) Trojan

Q 2. Which of these was the first computer virus?

  1. Creeper
  2. Brain
  3. Worm
  4. Crypto Locker
  5. Morris Worm

Answer: (1) Creeper

Solution: Creeper was the first-ever computer virus and was an experimental self-replicating virus released in the year 1971.

Q 3. Which of the following is not a source of the virus entering your system?

  1. USB drive
  2. Email
  3. Hard Disk
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Answer: (5) All of the above

Q 4. The other name for Non-Resident virus is _________

  1. Direct Action Virus
  2. Boot Sector Virus
  3. Multipartite Virus
  4. Overwrite Virus
  5. Polymorphic Virus

Answer: (1) Direct Action Virus

Q 5. Which of the following viruses is also known as “Cavity Virus”?

  1. Multipartite Virus
  2. Space Filler Virus
  3. Overwrite Virus
  4. Direct Action Virus
  5. None of the above

Answer: (2) Space Filler Virus

Q 1. ______ rendering engine is used by Mozilla Firefox

  1. Trident
  2. Presto
  3. Gecko
  4. WebKit
  5. Tasman

Answer: (3) Gecko

Q 2. Which of these web browsers is also known as Nexus?

  1. Opera
  2. Chrome
  3. Internet Explorer
  4. Firefox
  5. WorldWideWeb

Answer: (5) WorldWideWeb

Q 3. Which of the following is considered as “the world’s first popular browser”?

  1. Firefox
  2. Mosaic
  3. Nexus
  4. Netscape Navigator
  5. MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer)

Answer: (2) Mosaic

Q 4. In which year was the first web browser created?

  1. 1992
  2. 1991
  3. 1990
  4. 1995
  5. 1989

Answer: (3) 1990

Q 5. Which among the following web browsers was the first to introduce graphical interface?

  1. Mosaic
  2. Nexus
  3. WorldWideWeb
  4. Netscape
  5. Opera

Answer: (4) Netscape

Q 1. Which of the following is not an example of Flash Memory Drives?

  1. Memory Stick
  2. Pen Drive
  3. SD Card
  4. Compact Disc
  5. None of the above

Answer: (4) Compact Disc

Q 2. Which of these storage devices has a minimum storage capacity?

  1. USB drive
  2. Hard Disk
  3. Floppy Disk
  4. Compact Disc
  5. Cloud Storage

Answer: (3) Floppy Disk

Q 3. What is the meaning of “backing up data” on the computer?

  1. Copy the data to another device/location to save it for future use
  2. Saving the computer from a virus
  3. Inserting SD card to the computer device
  4. Connecting Personal computer to a network
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Copy the data to another device/location to save it for future use

Q 4. Which among the following is an example of a magnetic storage device?

  1. Floppy Disc
  2. Credit Card
  3. Compact Disc
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Answer: (4) All of the above

The computer storage unit is divided into three parts. Given below are details about the three types of computer storage:

  • Primary Storage: This is the direct memory which is accessible to the Central Processing Unit (CPU). 
    • This is also known as the main memory and is volatile. 
    • This is temporary. As soon as the device turns off or is rebooted, the memory is erased
    • It is smaller in size
    • Primary storage comprises only of Internal memory
    • Examples of primary storage include RAM, cache memory, etc.
  • Secondary Storage: This type of storage does not have direct accessibility to the Central Processing Unit.
    • The input and output channels are used to connect such storage devices to the computer, as they are mainly external
    • It is non-volatile and larger storage capacity in comparison to primary storage
    • This type of storage is permanent until removed by an external factor
    • It comprises of both internal and external memory
    • Examples of secondary storage are USB drives, floppy disks, etc.
  • Tertiary Memory: This type of storage is generally not considered to be important and is generally not a part of personal computers.
    • It involves mounting and unmounting of mass storage data which is removable from a computer device
    • This type of storage holds robotic functions
    • It does not always require human intervention and can function automatically

Q 1. MU, ALU and CU are all part of the ________.

  1. Storage Memory
  2. Central Processing Unit
  3. Input Devices
  4. Output Unit
  5. None of the Above

Answer: (2) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Q 2. ________ is the main memory of the computer

  1. Random Access Memory
  2. Read Only Memory
  3. Internal Hard Drive
  4. DVD
  5. Computer has no main memory, it keeps erasing the storage memory automatically

Answer: (3) Internal Hard Drive

Q 3. What is the full form of GUI?

  1. Graphic User Interface
  2. Games User Interface
  3. Graphic Unified Interface
  4. Graphic Unit Interface
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Graphic User Interface

Q 4. A computer comprises how many types of memory?

  1. One
  2. Four
  3. Three
  4. Two
  5. Eight

Answer: (4) Two

Solution: A computer comprises two types of memory. One is Random Access Memory (RAM) and the other is Read Only Memory (ROM)

Q 5. Which of the following are the physical parts of a computer?

  1. Software
  2. Operating System
  3. Software Applications
  4. Hardware
  5. None of the above

Answer: (4) Hardware

Q 1. How many levels of Abstraction are there in a database?

  1. Three
  2. Two
  3. Five
  4. One
  5. Four

Answer: (1) Three

Solution: There are three levels of abstraction: Physical Level, Logical Level and View Level

Q 2. Which of the following is not a component of the database?

  1.  User
  2. Memory
  3. Software
  4. Hardware
  5. Data

Answer: (2) Memory

Q 3. What is the full form of SQL?

  1. Structured Question Language
  2. Simplified Query Language
  3. Structured Query Language
  4. Simplified Quoted Language
  5. None of the above

Answer: (3) Structured Query Language

Q 4. The Hierarchical Database is also known as _______ structure.

  1. Table
  2. Inverted Tree
  3. Triangle
  4. Diamond
  5. Tree

Answer: (5) Tree

Q 5. Which of these is not a type of Database?

  1. Hierarchical Database
  2. Network Database
  3. Relational Database
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Answer: (4) All of the above

List of Operating Systems
Name of the OSRelease Date
Mac OS2001
Chrome OS2011
Windows Phone2010
Blackberry OS1999
Firefox OS2013

Q 1. The __________ connects applications to the actual processing of data and manages all communications between software and hardware components. It is the core of any OS.

  1. Central Processing Unit
  2. Main Memory
  3. Kernel
  4. Systematic Multi-Processing
  5. Cluster Unit

Answer: (3) Kernel

Q 2. Which of the following options is not an Operating System?

  1. MS-DOS
  2. Blackberry OS
  3. Windows
  4. Oracle
  5. UNIX

Answer: (4) Oracle

Q 3. Which of these is not a type of Operating System?

  1. Network Operating System
  2. Distributed Operating System
  3. Embedded Operating System
  4. Batch Operating System
  5. All are a type of Operating System

Answer: (5) All are a type of Operating System

Q 4. The first Operating System was developed by _____

  1. IBM
  2. Microsoft
  3. Blackberry
  4. Mac
  5. General Motors

Answer: (5) General Motors

Q 5. A program that automates the translation of assembly language into machine language is called _________

  1. Assembler
  2. Interpreter
  3. Compiler
  4. Processor
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Assembler

Q 1. Routers work at which layer of the OSI Model?

  1. Data Link Layer
  2. Network Layer
  3. Physical Layer
  4. Application Layer
  5. Transport Layer

Answer: (2) Network Layer

Q 2. What is the full form of OSI?

  1. Operating Static Internet
  2. Open Systems Interconnection
  3. Operating System Interface
  4. Open Statutory Interface
  5. Oppressed System Interactions

Answer: (2) Open Systems Interconnection

Q 3. _________ Layer is responsible for Framing, Error Detection and Physical Addressing.

  1. Network 
  2. Transport 
  3. Application 
  4. Data Link 
  5. Physical 

Answer: (4) Data Link 

Q 4. _______ layer defines how data is formatted, presented, encoded, and converted for use on the network.

  1. Transport
  2. Presentation 
  3. Application
  4. Physical
  5. Session

Answer: (2) Presentation

Q 5. How many layers are there in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model?

  1. Eight
  2. Seven
  3. Six
  4. Five
  5. Nine

Answer: (2) Seven

Q 6. Which is the first layer of the OSI Model?

  1. Network Layer
  2. Transport Layer
  3. Presentation Layer
  4. Physical Layer
  5. Data Link Layer

Answer: (4) Physical Layer

Q 7. ____________ layer converts raw bits to frames and frames to raw bits in the Open Systems Interconnection Model.

  1. Session
  2. Physical
  3. Data Link
  4. Transport
  5. Network

Answer: (3) Data Link

Q 8. _________ is the process of detecting and correcting the error. While ______ is a mechanism to ensure the efficient delivery of Data.

  1. Error control, Flow control
  2. Process control, Network control
  3. Session control, Flow control
  4. OSI Control, Data control
  5. None of the above

Answer: (1) Error control, Flow control

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