LU PG Entrance 2022: Last day for registration ends today, Admit Card, Entrance Date, Seats

Lucknow University has declared the date of PG Entrance Test for the session 2022-23.

The entrance exam will be conducted in Lucknow University campus from 10 to 17 September 2022.

Since the last date for submission of PG Course form is 30th August 2022, the subject wise exam schedule will be released on 3rd September 2022. The center of examination will be in the main and second campus of Lucknow University.
Candidates can download the admit card from the university website with their login ID from 6 September 2022. Be sure to follow the instructions given in the admit card.

The entrance test will be held for admission to around 7,000 seats in LU and affilia ted colleges that have opted for centralized admissions.

“While there are around 4,000 PG seats in LU, around 2,500 seats are in a dozen affilisted colleges that have opted for University’s centralised! admission,” said an official

He said that the entran- ce test will be held in two shifts and a detailed schedu- le will be declared after Au- gust 31 which is the last date for PG application.

“The entrance test will comprise 100 objective-type questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Each question will be of 2 marks. There shall be no negative mar king.” said LU spokesperson Durgesh Srivastava.

He said that entrance tests will not be conducted in in the second session. those subjects in which the number of applications is less than the number of se- ats. If two or more candida- tes have secured equal marks/rank in the merit Index of entrance test, first preference will be given to the candidate who secures a higher percentage of marks in graduation or equivalent examination, he added.

lucknow university entrance exam 2022


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