Lucknow University UG Admission Step By Step Counselling/Choice Filling Procedure
The online counselling for admission to over 10 undergraduate courses began on Wednesday. the admission portal was opened for candidates to lock seat.
Step 1 : Registration
- Only candidates within the declared rank can participate in the online counseling.
- Candidates Interested to participate in this process, have to register through the login credentials provided to them at the time of form filling.
- In case they have forgotten the password they can regenerate it through the link provided on the admission portal.
- The following have to be done during registration
Check the bank account details shown and update it if needed.
- This will be required for refunding the advance fee to candidates, if seat is not allotted. But, registration fees can be paid from any bank account.
- All candidates have to pay Rs. 700 (Rs. 500 as advance fee and Rs. 200 as Registration fee which is non refundable) through online modes (Net banking, Debit Card and Credit Card) only. Details of fee to be deposited at various stages are given in Table 1.
- In case the candidate is not allotted a seat the advance fee of Rs. 500 would be refunded into the account details provided by them.
- If the candidate is allotted a seat then the advance fee will be adjusted in the fee for that program.
- In case the candidate is allotted a seat and she/he does not deposit the seat confirmation fee, the advance fee of Rs. 500.00 will not be refunded.
- The registration fee is non refundable under any circumstances.
- Only registered candidates will be able to fill the choices.
Step 2: Choice Filling
For programs: (BA/B.Sc Yoga, BJMC, B.Sc.(Ag), B.El.Ed., LLB (Five years), BCA, BBA,BFA/BVA, B.Com. Four Years (NEP 2020), B.Com. (Hons.)
- Candidates registered for counseling have to fill their choices of University/college according to their preferences.
- Candidates can give as many choices as they want.
- Lower rank candidates are advised to give more choices so that they are not denied allotment.
- Choices can be rearranged any number of times till final submission.
- Candidates can take a print out of the submitted choices even without locking. This is being done so that they can go through it and decide on the sequence ofUniversity/college that they want.
- Choices can be filled in multiple sessions before locking. There is option to save these choices before logging out. Data not saved will be lost.
The choices filled by the candidate are final and cannot be changed once locked.
- If a candidate has submitted the choices but not locked after last date of choice filling is over, it will automatically be locked before seat allotment.
- If the candidate has registered for counselling but not submitted the choices, she/he would not be considered for seat allotment.
- Seat allotment result will be available only on candidate login.
- All allotments would be provisional and subject to verification of documents on reporting to the University/College. The admission of such candidates whose documents are not found to be in order would be cancelled.
- Candidates can give as many choices as they want.
- Lower rank candidates are advised to give more choices so that they are not denied allotment.
- Choices can be rearranged any number of times till final submission before locking.
- Candidates can take a print out of the submitted choices even without locking.This is being done so that they can go through it and decide on the sequence of University/college that they want.
Step 3: Seat Allotment
- Allotment will be done strictly on the basis of rank of the candidate as well as the University/college they have selected in order of preference during choice filling.
- Seat allotment result will be available on candidate login only. It will not be displayed anywhere.
Step 4: Seat Confirmation and Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter download
- Candidates who have been allotted a seat will have to download Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter through the University of Lucknow website ( after paying the balance amount of fee given in Table 1.
- The candidates who have not been allotted their first preference can opt website link for upgradation.
- They have to give the option whether they want to retain the allotted University/college or they want to go for the upgradation process.
- In case of up gradation they would be allotted a university/college of higher priority or the same University/college depending upon the vacancy. In no case a university/college of lower priority can be allotted.
- Candidates who opt for upgradation have to pay the seat confirmation fee as given in column 5 of Table 1 but they will be given the provisional allotment cum confirmation letter only after the next allotment. The fee paid would be adjusted against the finally allotted university/college. However they will have to pay the difference of fee (if any) as given in column 6 of Table 1 to get the provisional allotment cum confirmation letter.
- Candidates who opt to retain the allotted college can download their provisional allotment cum confirmation letter after paying the university/college confirmation fee as given in column 4 of Table 1.
- SC and ST candidates who have opted for zero fees and have uploaded their income certificate can directly download this provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter. However they have to get their proper income certificate verified at the University/allotted college. In case the certificate is found to be incorrect they will have to pay the remaining amount of balance fee at the University/college.
Step 5: Report to University/Allotted College
- The candidate has to report to office of the Concerned Dean/Principal of the allotted college on the date mentioned in the Allotment letter with all the original documents along with provisional allotment cum confirmation letter.
- The original documents will be physically verified by the Concerned Dean/Principal of the allotted college.
If the documents of candidates are not found valid during verification, his/her candidature shall be cancelled. In such case fee paid will not be refunded.
- Documents required for reporting
- Candidates would need to carry the originals and self-attested copy of the following documents:
- Printout of the provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter from Lucknow University Portal
- Copy of Application form.
- All Mark Sheets and Certificates up to Qualifying Examination.
- Category Certificates in original in the prescribed format.
- Original photo ID issued by Government
- Two passport sized photographs
- Copies of all Fees Receipts
- Caste Certificate (For OBC, SC and ST)
- Income certificate if zero fees claimed.
Step 6: Second Allotment
- Second allotment would be carried out by the online process on Merit Cum Option basis on choices submitted by candidates in step 2 of these guidelines.
- Up gradation and allotment would be done simultaneously.
- The following candidates would be included in second allotment.
- All candidates who were seat in first allotment and have paid the seat confirmation fee with option for upgradation.
- All candidates who had filled their choices but were not allotted any seat during first allotment.
- The following candidates would not be considered during the second allotment process
- Those who were allotted seat during first allotment but did not pay the seat confirmation fee.
- Those who were allotted college in first allotment and have opted to retain the allotted college.
- Second allotment would result in upgradation of allotment for candidates who have confirmed seats and have opted to upgrade.
- In such case the candidate would be allotted a seat in choice of higher priority or the same choice depending upon the vacancy.
Step 7: Seat Confirmation and Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter download after second allotment
- Candidates who have been allotted seats in the second allotment have to confirm their seat by paying the balance fee as given in column 6 of table 1. They would be able to download their provisional allotment cum confirmation letter after payment of the fee.
Step 8: Report to University/Allotted College after second allotment
- The candidate has to report to office of the Concerned Dean/Principal of the allotted college on the date mentioned in the Allotment letter with all the original documents along with provisional allotment cum confirmation letter.
- The original documents will be physically verified by the Concerned Dean/Principal of the allotted college.
- if the documents of candidates are not found valid during verification, his/her candidature shall be cancelled.
- Documents required for reporting
- Candidates would need to carry the originals and self-attested copy of the following documents:
- Printout of the provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter from Lucknow University Portal
- Copy of Application form
- All Mark Sheets and Certificates up to Qualifying Examination.
- Category Certificates in original in the prescribed format.
- Original photo ID issued by Government
- Two passport sized photographs
- Copies of all Fees Receipts
- Caste Certificate (For OBC, SC and ST)
- Income certificate if zero fees claimed.
Step 9: Subsequent Allotment
- If needed further choice filling and allotment would be done on remaining seats (if any). Details of this would be announced after fee submission for second round of counseling is completed.
Table 1 Fee Details for various phases of counseling for University of Lucknow Campus. |
Program |
Fee# |
Registrati on Fee |
Advan ce Fee |
Confirma tion Fee |
Confirmati on Fee for Upgrade |
Balance Fee |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
B.A. (NEP) Four Year |
B.A. (NEP) Four Year |
3277* |
200 |
500 |
2777 |
2777 |
Applicable Subject Fee |
B.Sc. (Mathematics Group) (NEP) Four Year |
Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics |
8277* |
200 |
500 |
7777 |
7777 |
0 |
Physics, Mathematics & Statistics |
8277* |
200 |
500 |
7777 |
7777 |
0 |
Physics, Mathematics & Geology |
9777* |
200 |
500 |
8777 |
7777 |
1500 |
Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy |
8277* |
200 |
500 |
7777 |
7777 |
0 |
Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science |
11277* |
200 |
500 |
10777 |
7777 |
3000 |
Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science |
11277* |
200 |
500 |
10777 |
7777 |
3000 |
Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science (SF) |
13580* |
200 |
500 |
13080 |
7777 |
5303 |
B.Sc. (Biology Group) (NEP) Four Year |
Chemistry, Botany & Zoology |
10277* |
200 |
500 |
9777 |
9777 |
0 |
Zoology, Botany & Geology |
11777* |
200 |
500 |
11277 |
9777 |
1500 |
Geology, Botany & Chemistry |
11777* |
200 |
500 |
11277 |
9777 |
1500 |
Botany, Geology & Anthropology |
10277* |
200 |
500 |
11277 |
9777 |
1500 |
Zoology, Botany & Anthropology |
10277* |
200 |
500 |
9777 |
9777 |
0 |
Zoology, Geology & Anthropology |
11777* |
200 |
500 |
11277 |
9777 |
1500 |
Genetics & Genomics, Chemistry & Botany |
23777* |
200 |
500 |
22777 |
9777 |
13000 |
Zoology, Geology & Chemistry |
11277* |
200 |
500 |
10277 |
9277 |
1500 |
Bachelor of Computer Application |
Bachelor of Computer Application |
35080* |
200 |
500 |
34580 |
No Upradation |
B.Voc. |
B.Voc. (Renewable Energy) |
6380* |
200 |
500 |
5880 |
No Upradation |
LL.B. (5 Year) |
LL.B. (5 Year) |
25580* |
200 |
500 |
25080 |
No Upradation |
B.Com. (NEP) Four Year |
B.Com. (Regular) |
4277* |
200 |
500 |
3777 |
3777 |
0 |
B.Com. (Self Finance) |
16080* |
200 |
500 |
15580 |
3777 |
11803 |
B.Com. (Hons) |
28580* |
200 |
500 |
28080 |
3777 |
24303 |
UG Management |
40080** |
200 |
500 |
39580 |
30080 |
10000 |
BBA (International Business) |
40080** |
200 |
500 |
39580 |
30080 |
10000 |
BBA (Management Sciences) |
40080** |
200 |
500 |
39580 |
30080 |
10000 |
BBA (Tourism) |
30080** |
200 |
500 |
29580 |
29580 |
0 |
BVA/BFA (Regular) |
9072* |
200 |
500 |
8572 |
8572 |
0 |
BVA/BFA (Self Financed) |
19330* |
200 |
500 |
18830 |
8572 |
10258 |
* Includes Rs. 500 as enrolment fee. ** Includes Rs. 500 as enrolment fee and Rs. 5000 as caution money. In case the candidate is already enrolled in the University of Lucknow they have to enter the enrolment number and this fee would not be charged. #The fee mentioned is for semester 1 only. |
Table 2 Fee Details for various phases of counseling for Colleges |
Program |
Fee |
Registration Fee |
Advance Fee |
Confirmation Fee |
Confirmation Fee for Upgrade |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
B.A. (NEP) Four Year |
200 |
500 |
1500 |
1500 |
B.Com. (NEP) Four Year |
200 |
500 |
2000 |
2000 |
B.Com. (Hons) |
200 |
500 |
2000 |
2000 |
B.Sc. (Biology Group) (NEP) Four Year |
200 |
500 |
2000 |
2000 |
B.Sc. (Mathematics Group) (NEP) Four Year |
200 |
500 |
2000 |
2000 |
B. Voc. (Renewable Energy) |
200 |
500 |
1500 |
1500 |
B. Sc. (Agriculture) |
200 |
500 |
2000 |
2000 |
200 |
500 |
1900 |
1900 |
200 |
500 |
3500 |
3500 |
LL.B. (Integrated) |
200 |
500 |
2000 |
2000 |
200 |
500 |
3500 |
3500 |
BBA (IB) |
200 |
500 |
3500 |
3500 |
BBA (MS) |
200 |
500 |
3500 |
3500 |
BBA(Tourism) |
200 |
500 |
3500 |
3500 |
B.El.Ed. |
200 |
500 |
3500 |
3500 |
Remaining amount of fee for the college allotted will be paid at the college on reporting |