Request for Rectification of Absent Mark in Odd Semester Examination Results

Controller of Examinations
Lucknow University
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Subject: Request for Rectification of Absent Mark in Odd Semester Examination Results

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to bring to your attention an error in my odd semester examination results at Lucknow University. According to the results published, I have been marked absent in the theory portion of one or more subjects. However, I would like to clarify that I appeared for all the theory exams as per the prescribed schedule.

I am a diligent student pursuing [mention your course and semester] at Lucknow University/CLG NAME, and I have consistently attended all the classes and actively participated in academic activities. I have prepared for the exams diligently and performed to the best of my abilities during the odd semester examinations. Therefore, I was quite surprised and disheartened to see the erroneous marking of my absence in the theory portion of the mentioned subjects.

I kindly request you to rectify this mistake and update my examination results accordingly. I understand that administrative errors can occur, and I trust that you will take immediate action to correct this discrepancy. To assist you in resolving this matter, I have attached copies of my examination admit card/Result, which clearly shows my presence during the theory exams, as well as any other supporting documents you may require.

I would be grateful if you could prioritize my request and expedite the rectification process. As the results are essential for my academic progress and future opportunities, a prompt resolution would greatly alleviate my concerns and allow me to proceed with my studies with confidence.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I have faith in the fair and efficient administration of Lucknow University, and I believe that this issue will be resolved in a timely and just manner.

Yours sincerely,
Your Name
Roll No:
Enrollment Number
Phone Number

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