Fake notice says LU’s BA, BSC,BCOM exam put off

A fake notice. regarding the postpone ment of the Lucknow Uni versity undergraduate ex amination scheduled to begin from March 29 went viral on social media on Friday morning. The noti ce exactly looked like a re al LU notice that had the University’s logo and sig nature of the controller of the examination Vidya nand Tripathi.

It led to great confusion amongst University stu dents with a number of them calling up university officials, reaching the controller of the examina tion office and asking on social media why the ex aminations have been postponed all of a sudden?.

LU’s BA, BSc and BCom first semester ex aminations are scheduled to from Tuesday but the fa ke notice said that the ex am has been postponed.

In Sitapur to start a College for Vo cational Studies at Sitapur:

At this new institute, students will be able to take up job-oriented practical courses start ing from this session.”

LU spokesperson Dur gesh Srivatsava said, тАЬWe are probing the matter, the notice has been cleverly photoshopped, mixing LU’s previously issued no tice language and format.”

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