Decision on exam dates today

Lucknow: Lucknow Univer- sity is expected to conduct examinations of students enrolled in undergraduate semesters III and V by De cember end, while that of se- mester I will be held in February

The final decision in this regard will be taken by the examination committee at a meeting on Monday.

According to LU officials, despite the delay in commen- cement of the session due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ex- amination of semester III and V will be conducted almost on time. For this purpo se, they added, extra classes are being conducted.

The decision has been ta ken to put the session on the rails. “Barring the classes of the semester I, teaching of other semesters had begun from August 16. The syllabus in most of the departments. is nearing completion. As a result, we are planning to hold semester examinations except for semester I as early as possible. The final deci sion will be taken in the ex amination committee mee ting on Monday,” said LU spokesperson Durgesh Sri vastava.

Source: TIO

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