LU students receive two-lakh-dollar Startup fund.

No one would be able to deceive tourists in Lucknow because to the Travelzo app.

Maruti Tripathi, an engineer student at Lucknow University and his team developed the Travelzo app. He has also received funding of 2 lakh dollars (tech credit) for this startup Trevjo. The special thing is that Travelzo has also been certified by Startup India and Startup in Uttar Pradesh (UP).

Now no one will be able to cheat tourists in places like tourist places, nor will they be able to cheat an unknown person by selling any goods at a high price, because now the Trevjo app is coming to help, which is a student of Engineering Faculty of Lucknow University. Maruti Tripathi and his team (Akhil Pratap Singh and Krishna Chandra Verma). His startup “Trevjo” has also received $2 million in technical credit funding from jartup Investment Company, which is a big achievement. Along with this, his app has also been certified by Startup India and Startup in Uttar Pradesh (UP).

Maruti got the idea when he himself became a victim
Maruti Tripathi, citing an incident that happened to him, says that travelers and other tourists often fall prey to the conspiracy of local shopkeepers, drivers and guides etc. Sometimes they pay much higher than normal price for cheap, counterfeit and low quality products. During our trip to Chennai with my father in the year 2019, we faced many such problems when local shopkeepers cheated us. Also, the language problem came up during communication with the cab drivers and we were stuck and helpless at an unknown place. Later I researched and discovered that I was not the only one out there who was suffering from these problems. There were millions more people who were trapped in this trap and felt helpless. After that I decided to find a solution to these problems and started working in a planned manner. As a result the startup “Travjo” is in front of everyone. Maruti told that Karishma Singh and Prof. Dr. Himanshu Pandey is guiding for this app from the very beginning.

Such percentage of people face fraud while traveling
Marut points out that a recent study conducted by the Ministry of Tourism shows that it has become a common thing for Indian and foreign tourists to face problems like fraud, theft, coercion and sexual harassment during their trips to different cities of the country. . About 39% of the tourists admitted to being cheated, 21 per cent to theft and about 17% of the tourists to being threatened and coerced.

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