Lucknow University establishes body to encourage entrepreneurship, innovation & research

Giving a push to the young aspiring entrepreneurs, Lucknow University (LU) has established a non-profit organisation named Navankur Foundation. This is an incubation cell that aims at promoting research, start-up plans by students (and teachers), entrepreneurship, incubation, sports, education, environment protection, and innovation.Registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013, the body will be run by a team of university teachers and officials, and have a dedicated space in the campus.Incubation cell to propel start up ideasReportedly, an incubation cell will also be a part of the project to aid students and teachers in realising their innovation dreams. “This foundation will be an effective interface between industry and academia,” said the spokesperson. This cell will be headed by Physics professor Amritanshu Shukla.Experts in the committee will be available to help the participants with his or her ideas. “The students can approach the members of the cell with their ideas, who will then examine and help shape them into reality. It would act as a safe space for start ups as financial support will also be provided to the potential ideas,” said Dean (Students Welfare) Professor Poonam Tandon.”The body has been set up as aligned to the Uttar Pradesh government’s scheme of promoting start ups through the university,” she added.Thriving environment for entrepreneursThe funds needed to operate the body will be acquired from different government bodies like department of science and technology (DST), council of scientific industrial research (CSIR), and donations made by industries, former students, and more.Such a thriving atmosphere can encourage aspiring entrepreneurs, propelling them to establish their ideas into reality, and providing them the much needed support for the same.

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