Registration and physical exam for admission In NCC at Lucknow University will take place on Oct 25.

Physical and written test for registration of first year students who have taken NCC (64 UP BN) as a minor subject in the university graduation will be held on October 25. Interested students will have to walk in front of the proctor’s office at 8.30 am. Have to reach the ground.

According to Major Sanjay Gupta, Associate NCC Officer of 64 UP Bn NCC, the students will have to be physically fit. They should bring with them the first semester fee receipt, student ID card and Aadhar card. Will happen. Students will have to bring T-shirt, lower, PT shoes, mask, sanitizer, pen-pencil and water bottle with them. Students should not come empty stomach.

Process: Students will have to make four rounds of 400 meters and girl students will have to make two rounds. After that there will be a written test for the students, in which multiple choice questions will be asked.

After shortlisting, the students included in the prepared list will also be interviewed. The preparations for this have been completed. The officials have asked the candidates to come with full preparation.

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