50% aspirants skip LU BJMC entrance exam
37% Give BVoc A Miss
The entrance tests for admission to over 4,000 seats in 12 Undergradu ate (UG) courses of the Luck now University began on Tu esday,
On the first day, almost every third candidate appea-1 ring for Bachelor in Vocatio nal Studies (BVoc) in rene wable energy and every fo urth candidate in Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC) skipped the test despite the. fact that the university recei- ved an overwhelming re- sponse to its various UG co urses this year as compared to last year.
The entrance tests will continue till August 31.
According to experts, the reason behind students skip- ping the test was the fact that a number of other universi- ties and colleges have begun. admitting students on basis. of 10+2 marks.
For such students, LU was just a backup option.In the two professional courses, a total of 133 candi- dates appeared for the test. Around 37% of the candi- dates skipped the BVoc ex- amination held in the first shift. Only 26 candidates of the total 41 registered for the
BVoc examination appeared. For the BJMC admis- sions, around 49% of the can didates skipped the entrance test.
A total of 208 candidates had registered but only 107 turned up.
This time students have scored really well hence the creamy layer has only opted LU as a backup option.
The examination was held maintaining Covid-19 protocol. On Wednesday, in the first shift, the Bachelor in Elementary Education. entrance test will be held from 11am to 12.30pm while in the second shift BSc (Maths) entrance test will be held from 3pm to 4.30pm,” sa id admission coordinator Prof Pankaj Mathur.