LU final year students to take exams, date to be finalised Soon!!

In view of the pan-demic, the Lucknow University has decided to promote first and second year students without examinations. The decision was taken during a meeting of the examination committee chaired by vice chancellor Alok Kumar Rai on Thursday. The decision Is taken online with the suggestion made by the state government regarding Covid-19 university exams a few days dago. However, the University ┬аwill hold exam for final year students of both bachelor’s and master’s courses. The date has not been finalized as yet.

“The meeting was held to dis-cuss the possibility of adopting the suggestion made by the state government to promote students  without exams. The decision was approved and the examina- tion committee will finalise the details of the order.”

spokesman Durgesh Srivastav. While first and second year students of bachelor course and first year students in master’s course can be promoted without exam, LU will hold exam for final year students of both Bach lor’s and master’s course.

The exam, as per state government suggestions, will be of shorter duration. The date of the examination is yet to be decided. Reportedly, the exam will be on single paper comprising questions from all subjects taken by the students. The duration will be 90 minutes and format in multiple choice or OMR.

“The decision about exam date and its format could not be taken during meeting on Thurs day. The exam committee will discuss these issues with other staff members before a decision is taken.” said Srivastav.


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