65th Convocation of Lucknow University, 188 gold medals distributed.

On 21 January, 2023, 65th Convocation of the University of Lucknow held at the second campus of University of Lucknow. The function was presided by the HonтАЩble Governor and Chancellor of University of Lucknow Smt. Anandiben Patel. Padma Vibhushan Dr. K. Kasturirangan was the Chief Guest in the Convocation while Minister Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh Shri Yogendra Upadhyaya and State Minister, Higher Education, Uttar Pradesh Smt. Rajani Tiwari were the distinguished guests in the Convocation. Also, Dr. Sanjay Singh, CEO, Gennova Bio-Pharmaceuticals Limited was present to whom University conferred Honoris Causa in this Convocation.The academic procession began before the commencement of the convocation ceremony in which the Chancellor, led by the Registrar, Honorable Governor Uttar Pradesh, Mrs. Anandiben Patel, Honorable Vice Chancellor of Lucknow University, Prof. Alok Kumar Rai, and all honored Vidya Parishad Members, Executive Council members, faculty of all faculty were present. The ceremony began with a national anthem. After that the Kulgeet of Lucknow University was presented by the students and some faculty members of the University. Thereafter, all the distinguished guests were invited for тАЬJal BharoтАЭ ceremony, which was related to the awareness related to water conservation. Subsequently, the Honorable Governor of Lucknow University, Uttar Pradesh Smt. Anandiben Patel on the request of HonтАЩble Vice Chancellor, announced the commencement of the 65th convocation. After that, the Honorable Vice Chancellor Professor Alok Kumar Rai first welcomed all the dignitaries present on and off the dias. Before elaborating the achievements of Lucknow University in the year 2022 to everyone he conveyed the vision of Swami Vivekanand, Rabindranath Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi on Education, and also mentioned a hymn from 10th Mandala of Rig Veda. He said that University is an important entity for national development and students joining the University systems gain newer insights and training to face challenges in plethora of areas. He said that looking into the three very important aspects of education viz. Globalized, Interconnected and Diversified the University had passed its new D. Litt., PG, UG and Ph.D. ordinances which are in accordance with the NEP-2020 inculcating multiple entry-exit scheme. Prof. Rai conveyed that in this session University had opened three new Institutes in the University and also had achieved good ranking in QS-world ranking, Times Higher Education and NIRF. Also, University in 2022 had been accredited with A++ grading by NAAC. He conveyed that University is hosting the office of UPCRAM center that will assist other Universities to do better in NAAC accreditation and other rankings. He said that University had framed its curriculum in line of theme of NEP-2020 that is Excess, Equity and Quality. Also, he conveyed that University is having around fifty percent female students and more than fifty percent female students are being awarded with medal in this 65th convocation. He said that this is the year of Azadi ka Amritmahotsav and our country is president of G20 country and University of Lucknow is working its best to make our students responsible students, with professional ethics, life skills and soft skills. Before concluding, he mentioned all the тАЬfive pransтАЭ of HonтАЩble Prime Minister of India and mentioned about the motto of the University тАЬLight and LearningтАЭ and congratulated all the students who are getting degrees in the convocation welcome again all the dignitaries present in the convocation.Thereafter, HonтАЩble Vice Chancellor had given тАЬDEEKSHAтАЭ to all the degree getting students and degrees were awarded to students of arts, science, commerce, law, education, fine arts, Ayurveda and Unani faculties. Thereafter, HonтАЩble Chancellor alongwith all the dignitaries present over the stage awarded medals to topper candidates. Thereafter, the alumni of Dr. Sanjay Singh was conferred with Honoris Causa by the Dean, Faculty of Science. After, this Dr. Sanjay Singh said that with great humbleness accept the degree of Honoris Causa and mentioned his bond with University of Lucknow as his father was Professor of Physics in the University and he had spent more than two decades in the Bunglow situated inside the University of Lucknow where he nurtured his scientific temperament which created interest in the area of Biology, so after finishing his UG he joined M.Sc. in Biochemistry department headed by Prof. Krishnan a great visionary. He said after finishing his PhD from CDRI, Lucknow he joined NIH, USA, but due to a new thought regarding the impact of scientific excellence on society he left NIH, USA at the age of 37 years and started Gennova Bio-Pharamceuticals which is the first non-USA company to develop RNA based vaccine for COVID. Finally he concluded his lecture by remarking the vision of prime minister of India and chief minister of Utter Pradesh to make India and Uttar Pradesh a five trillion dollar economy by 2024-24. He said the science and scientific temperament can play a pivotal role in making this vision a success.Thereafter, Honorable Chancellor unveiled the achievements of University 2021-2022 and Annual Activities 2021-2022 and also released several books written by the faculty members of University of Lucknow.Thereafter, HonтАЩble Chancellor was requested to upload the degrees on digilocker through single click after which Chancellor inaugurated Ganga Hostel and Employee Quarters in the new campus. After this Honorable Chancellor presented books and gifts to primary school students of Devri Gaja and Shankarpur Block, Lucknow. She also presented kits and small gifts to тАЬAanganwadi WorkersтАЭ and motivated them to do better in their area.In her address, Minister of State for Higher Education Smt. Rajani Tiwari congratulated all the students who have been conferred with degree. She said that the responsibility for all the degree holder is increased as they have to play a key role in the development and bright future of India. She quoted the statement of former President APJ Abdul Kalam that if you want to shine like the sun then you have to burn like sun. She said that instead of being job seeker become job provider. She also inspired the degree holders to innovate and initiate start-ups. Finally, she congratulated all the degree holders again and concluded her lecture. In his address, Higher Education Minister Shree Yogendra Upadhyaya congratulated all the students who have been conferred with degree. He said to the degree holders that you all are blessed that you are students of University of Lucknow. He also congratulated University of Lucknow for being accredited with A++ by NAAC and said that this had been happened due to the guidance of HonтАЩble Chancellor. He said to students, that students always remain student and quoted a sanskrit shlok related to student. He emphasized the role of NEP-2020 in holistic development of students that can develop their technical, mental and spiritual skills and the responsibilities of students towards nation. Finally, he congratulated all the degree holders again and concluded her lecture. In his address, Chief Guest Dr. K. Kasturirangan congratulated all the students who have been conferred with degree and thanked Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for providing this honour. He appreciated the persona of HonтАЩble Chancellor Smt. Anandiben Patel and elaborated her role in the development of Gujrat as Chief Minister in every area, which she is now implementing the same in Uttar Pradesh. He also appreciate the effort of Vice Chancellor Prof. Alok Kumar Rai to make University of Lucknow as world-class University. Also, he said that alumni of the University is present across the globe and making India pride by their services and performance. He also appreciated the efforts of Dr. Sanjay Singh to whom Honoris Causa was conferred regarding the invention of RNA based COVID vaccine. He also appreciated the efforts of University of Lucknow to implement the NEP-2020 by preserving the original routes of knowledge of India. He said that in coming decade India will be the most populated country in globe and will have a huge youth strength. So, equipping youth with appropriate knowledge, skills, job readyness will be very important to strengthen the country. He also emphasized on comprehensive liberal education for holistic development and upliftment of the society. He appreciated the efforts of University of Lucknow to start two new faculties and three institutes. He also emphasized to perform research in varied area humanities, social sciences and sciences and mentioned about the role of National Research Foundation in Atmanirbhar Bharat. He mentioned about his career when he was selected by Vikram Sarabhai from ISRO and retired ISRO after serving as Director, ISRO for a decade. He also mentioned about the space program of ISRO and mentioned how in recent years ISRO became atmanirbhar in satellite launching using indigenous satellite launch vehicles PSLV and GSLV, which are now world class satellite launch vehicles. This showcase the capabilities and capacities of India. He concluded his lecture with sholka in Sanskrit and congratulated all the degree holders again.In her presidential Address, HonтАЩble Chancellor Smt. Anandiben Patel, congratulated students for getting their degree successfully and appreciated the efforts of K. Kasturirangan in space research and also appreciated the efforts of Dr. Sanjay Singh to whom Honoris Causa was conferred regarding the invention of RNA based COVID vaccine. She said to the degree holders to spread their knowledge in society. She said that eighty percent gold medals were bagged by females. She urged everyone to give standing ovation to all the female gold medalist and said this is the perfect example of тАЬMahila SashaktikaranтАЭ. She said that University should research why only females are showing better performance than male students. She said that both male and female students should perform equally. She congratulated University of Lucknow and University of Gorakhpur for bagging A++ accreditation in NAAC. She said that University must work hard to make this University as world class University. She said to develop infrastructure in every area such as research, sports and culture. She emphasizes to rejuvenate the dying trends and said that University must reach villages and must play key-role in the development of the society. University must not train its University students, but also focus on school children and aanganwaadi workers. She said that if each college and University of Uttar Pradesh will adopt one village, in the next coming 10 years each and every village of the state will shine and develop. This will strengthen the idea of тАЬSabka Saath Sabka VikasтАЭ of HonтАЩble Prime Minister. She appreciated the efforts of University to visit home of TB patients to motivate them to overcome from this disease. She appreciated the efforts of one female student who bagged six gold medals. She instructed University to study on Millets and prepare different dishes of Millets in the year 2023 which is the тАЬYear of MilletтАЭ. She also said that University to invite female gram pradhaans and aanganwaadi workers to train them to prepare different dishes of millets. She also said that University must take crucial step for the wide studies on Sanskrit. She said that University must prepare 100 sentences in Sanskrit and reciprocate this in all the schools of the adopted village for the spread of Sanskrit. She said that degree is not a piece of paper rather it must be appearing in the nature and behaviour of students in every area of life and society. She finally everyone blessed and congratulated every degree holder and cocluded her address. Subsequently, the Chancellor and all the dignitaries were presented with memento and shawls by the Vice Chancellor, after which the Chancellor announced the end of the convocation. The program thereafter ended with the national anthem Shobha Yatra departed from the pandal.

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