‘Focus on concepts, practise tests’: Teachers’ tips to crack LU entrance!

If you want to t crack the Lucknow Univer sity undergraduate entran ce test, you must focus on three things understand concepts instead of rote learning, study fundamentals of subjects from class 9-level onwards and take practice tests in MCQ These tips were shared by the deans and heads of va- rious departments of Luck now University to help can didates prepare for the e rance examination sche led to be held from August

“Admissions to unc graduate course in facult of arts, commerce, law, once and fine arts will bene on the basis of marks ob- tained in the under gradua- te entrance test (UGET) of the university.There is no change in examination pattern it will be MCQ.

Dean, law, Prof CP Singh. said the candidates aspiring to crack law entrance test should focus on solving mo- del papers of general studies like other competitive ex aminations in law, like CLAT

“LU’s entrance examina tion doesn’t ask hardcore questions related to law but from everything that comes under general studies,” he added.

Science students appea ring for entrance test need no special preparation if they are preparing for natio- nal level engineering and medical entrance test.

“Since it is MCQ-based examination, candidates with good understanding of concepts will find it easter Candidates assume that on ly class 12 syllabus is impor- tant for preparation, but in science, we consider the syl- labus of classes 9 to 12 as one.Candidates should revise Board examination syllabus along with that of classes 9. 11,”sald dean, student welfa re, and head of physics de partment, Prof Poonam Tandon

A senior arts faculty member said a candidate should give equal attention and time to subjects like ge ography, history, English. economics. “The question paper is based on general awareness that covers a number of subjects. The syl labus of general studies from classes 10 to 12 is impor tant,” he added.

A senior faculty member of commerce department said candidates shouldn’t run after too many competi tive examination books “Juststick to what you studi ed in classes 11-12. he added.

Source: TIO

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