UP lockdown has been extended till May 24.
To deal with the Covid-19 crisis, the Uttar Pradesh government has imposed a curfew-like lockdown across the state until the May 24.
To deal with the Covid-19 crisis, the Uttar Pradesh government has imposed a curfew-like lockdown across the state until the May 24.
In this regard, I have been directed to say that in view of the transition of covid-19, all higher educational institutions and state / private universities and all college campuses under the Department of Higher Education in the state will be physically closed till 20.05.2021 and the campus. There will be no presence of any…
MA Political science Semester II (CBCS) result is now available on the University website. Students may access their result by visiting Below Link. MA Public Administration Semester I (CBCS) result is now available on the University website. Students may access their result by visiting Below Link MA Public Administration Semester II (CBCS) result is now…
बॉयज हॉस्टल में छात्राओं ने किसी कार्यक्रम में हिस्सा लिया एलयू में बदलाव की बयार एलयू में पहली बार छात्राओं के लिए छोड़ दी कुर्सी, चाय बिस्किट लेकर आवभगत में जुटे छात्र एलयू में बदलाव की क्यार इस कदर वह रही है कि छात्रों के हॉस्टल में हो रहे आयोजन में कई गर्ल्स हॉस्टल की…
In view of the pan-demic, the Lucknow University has decided to promote first and second year students without examinations. The decision was taken during a meeting of the examination committee chaired by vice chancellor Alok Kumar Rai on Thursday. The decision Is taken online with the suggestion made by the state government regarding Covid-19 university…
Subject: Urgent Correction Needed in Examination Form Dear Sir, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to bring to your attention an error I have inadvertently made in my examination form, and I kindly request your help to rectify it at the earliest. Here are the mistakes…
उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार के आदेशानुसार लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति प्रोफेसर आलोक राय द्वारा ऑनलाइन कक्षाएं चलाए जाने का निर्णय लिया गया था जो 20 तारीख को आरंभ होने के बाद छात्रों के चेहरे खिल उठे| कक्षाओं का शुरुआत सुबह 9:00 बजे से शुरू हुआ | जो दोपहर के 2:00 बजे तक चला जिसमें 50 परसेंट…
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